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Offre N°
Nettoyage & hygiène écologiques
Nettoyage & hygiène écologiques pour professionnels
Description : We are dealing in 100% Organic Sanitizers.
Quality Assurance International (qai)
Autres epicerie
Description : The Hain Celestial Group (Nasdaq: HAIN), headquartered in Melville, NY, is a leading natural and organic food and personal care products company in North America and Europe. Hain Celestial participates in almost all natural food categories with well-known brands that include Celestial Seasonings®, Terra Chips®, Garden of Eatin'®, Health Valley®, WestSoy®, Earth's Best®, Arrowhead Mills®, DeBoles®, FreeBird™, Hain Pure Foods®, Hollywood®, Spectrum Naturals®, Spectrum Essentials®, Walnut Acres Organic™, Imagine Foods®, Rice Dream®, Soy Dream®, Rosetto®, Ethnic Gourmet®, Yves Veggie Cuisine®, Lima®, Grains Noirs®, Natumi®, JASON®, Zia® Natural Skincare, Queen Helene®, Batherapy® and Footherapy®.
Produits cosmétiques
Quality Assurance International (qai)
autres Produits cosmétiques
Description : The Hain Celestial Group (Nasdaq: HAIN), headquartered in Melville, NY, is a leading natural and organic food and personal care products company in North America and Europe. Hain Celestial participates in almost all natural food categories with well-known brands that include Celestial Seasonings®, Terra Chips®, Garden of Eatin'®, Health Valley®, WestSoy®, Earth's Best®, Arrowhead Mills®, DeBoles®, FreeBird™, Hain Pure Foods®, Hollywood®, Spectrum Naturals®, Spectrum Essentials®, Walnut Acres Organic™, Imagine Foods®, Rice Dream®, Soy Dream®, Rosetto®, Ethnic Gourmet®, Yves Veggie Cuisine®, Lima®, Grains Noirs®, Natumi®, JASON®, Zia® Natural Skincare, Queen Helene®, Batherapy® and Footherapy®.
Produits laitiers
Qc&i - International Services
Description : Genna
It is a goat or sheep cheese. It is a white mould soft cheese made
with organic pasteurised milk.
Its characteristic flavour recalling liquorice is given by a small
percentage of seed of Greek hay (a plant already know by the ancient
Egyptian for the beneficial properties) added during the curd.
Genna is a cheese that should be consumed when it is young.
It is a white mould soft, creamy and compact cheese. The shape has a
thin, smooth and regular straw-coloured rind. The flavour is delicate,
tender, aromatised and spicy.
Produits cosmétiques
autres Produits cosmétiques
Description : Natural styling cream effect\' weet look\'.

Our line doesn\'t use synthetic fragrance, color, petro-chemicals and parabens.
Produits cosmétiques
Soins du corps
Description : Ligne de soin de beauté phyto-aromatiques.Ce sont des produits naturels et biologiques hautement performant; formulés sans colorant, parfum chimique, conservateur, glycérine ni paraffine. Ils sont non testé sur animaux, et garantis sans extraits animaux.
La grande qualité et la concentration élevée en principes actifs (98%)végétaux naturels et biologiques explique la remarquable efficacité de cette gamme qui comprends:

1) Une crème hydratante traitante
2) Une crème de jour
3) Une crème de nuit
4) Une huile capillaire traitante
5) Une crème coiffante style\'effet mouillé\'
Produits sucres
Miel, gelée royale, tous produits de la ruche
Description : miel de montaña, producida en cafetales y bosques nublados de honduras
Fruits legumes
Fruits frais
Description : cafe gourmet de altura bajo sombra, naranja orgánica
Produits sucres
Miel, gelée royale, tous produits de la ruche
Description : Pure canadian, grade #1,white, CREAMED honey for sale
1 Kg x 12 per case ,24 x 500gm per case $72 per case.
Pure Canadian, grade #1 liquid sunflower honey,12 x 500gm pre case $45
Prices are in US dollars
Plantes aromatiques medicinales
Socert Portugal - Certificação Ecológica, Lda
Plantes médicinales
Description : Hypericum androsaemum, Hypericum perforatum, Gomphrena globosa, Sambucus nigra, Echinacea purpurea, Calendula officinalis, Salvia officinalis
Plantes aromatiques medicinales
Socert Portugal - Certificação Ecológica, Lda
Plantes aromatiques
Description : Rosmarinus officinalis, Lavandula angustifolia, Cymbopogon citratus, Melissa officinalis, Coriandrum sativum, Foeniculum vulgare, Mentha piperita, Laurus nobilis, Lippia citriodora, Origanum sp, , Thymus x citriodorus, Thymus vulgaris,
Boissons alcoolisées (apéritifs, bière, cidre, champagne,eau de vie, vin)
Description : VIN DE BORDEAUX

Pain confiserie chocolaterie
Description : Friuits secs caramellisés au sucre de canne ,amandes ,noisettes ,arachides ,noix ,graines de chanvre etc...
caramelisées au sucre de canne et sirop de riz et/ou enrobage cacao et chocolat noir.Produits sans gluten et sans OGM bien sur!retrouvez les confiseries biologiques sur :
Bio Inspecta Ag
Boissons sans alcool (eau, jus de fruits, légumes,boissons aux céréales, soja)
Description : We have approx. 20 metric tonnes of pure organic (EU directive) NFC frozen orange juice for sale. The juice is 100% from sicilian oranges and features a very typical and pleasent aroma. It has not been pasteurised, just frozen. It is packed in 200kg conical drums. Please get in touch for additional questions.
Céréales dérivés
Instituto Biodinamico
Riz, sarrazin, avoine, seigle, divers
Description : We are Fazenda Viva o Verde, located in the south of Brazil. We produce biodynamic rice, cow and fish meat, blueberrys and ficus. We also produce small quantities of wheat, sunflower, corn and lots of kinds of fruits.
To contact us, write to or call 55 51 9964-5181.
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Agence Bio



Inter Bio Bretagne
