What is Water?

Water is a mystery; the heart of all life. To simplify its nature into the elements of hydrogen and oxygen is incredibly insufficient when attempting to understand its many qualities.

As a liquid water is chemically described as H2O and is a dipole molecule comprising two hydrogen atoms, one positive and one negative, and one negative oxygen atom containing two positive charges. Due to the distribution of the charges around the nucleus, the angle between the two hydrogen atoms is 104.35 degrees. According to Kenneth S. Davis and John Arthur Day, pure water is actually a mixture of 18 different molecular compounds and 15 different kinds of ions, making a total of 33 different substances.
In its pure form, being a compound of the two gases hydrogen and oxygen, water could technically be described as an oxide of hydrogen. Water is no self-contained, isolated substance, however, for it possesses other characteristics according to the medium or the organism in which it resides and moves. As a molecule, water has an extraordinary capacity to combine with more elements and compounds than any other molecule and is sometimes described as the universal solvent.

Chemists have long recognized water as a substance having unusual and unique properties that one would not at first sight expect from a small molecule having the formula H2O. It is generally agreed that the special properties of water stem from the tendency of its molecules to associate, forming short-lived and ever-changing polymeric units that are sometimes described as "clusters". These clusters are more conceptual than physical in nature; they have no directly observable properties, and their transient existence (on the order of picoseconds) does not support an earlier view that water is a mixture of polymers (H2O)n in which n can have a variety of values. Instead, the currently favored model of water is one of a loosely-connected network that might best be described as one huge "cluster" whose internal connections are continually undergoing rearrangement.

Dr. Klaus Kronenberg (California State Polytechnic University) says, "Water is chemically neutral, but it is one of the best solvents known to man. It has the ability to entrap other substances. In other words, water tends to cluster around every non-water particle, forming conglomerations or complexes. Thelma MacAdam, Chair, Health Action Network Society states "water's open structure and its ability to combine with almost every thing it comes in contact with allows it to comply with other elements and dissolve them."

Wolfgang Ludwig, physicist and advisor to World Research Foundation goes into detail by saying that water possesses the faculty to store information and that has been impressed upon it previously on a given frequency level and to transfer such information to other systems. He states that contaminated water can be purified chemically and freed of bacteria, but it will still possess electromagnetic oscillations in certain wavelengths: these can be traced precisely to the contaminants. Therefore, even after purification, water contains certain signals that can be detrimental to the health.

Water has memory:
Known today as the father of homeopathy, Samuel Hahnemann felt that disease was an alteration of information that occurs in the highest level. In 1796 he discovered principles of homeopathy which are now known as "law of similars". Hahnemann believed that diluted dosages of remedies are effective as long as matched to the illness. Development and acceptance of homeopathy is based on the fact that water is a carrier of information.

Grander further explains: "A water once impaired by heavy metals, nitrate, etc., remains harmful even after a thorough processing (by chemicals or filtration), because vibrations, information, that have once been stored are preserved."

The memory of water has also been researched by Professor Jacques Benveniste (French National Institute for Health and Medical Research of the University of Paris). He has conducted several experiments to confirm this. The experiments and research constituted studying the effects of repeated dilution's of substances in distilled water. Theoretical Physicist Lynn Trainer of University of Toronto carried out parallel experiments and felt that these reactions may be the result of a 'physical' memory left in the water.

Water in living cells has a unique structure, and clusters of its molecules have organized relationships. Another factor is what Schauberger called the "immature taker" vs. "life-giving mature" water. Since water without minerals is a relentless solvent, if we could distill 100% of impurities out of a batch of water, it would be dangerous to drink, leaching minerals from our bones.
The theory used by Tiller and co-researcher Walter Dibble, Jr., is multidimensional. These scientists see water as a special material, "well suited for information/energy transfer from this frequency domain into our conventional domain of cognition, the physical." Regarding the factor of mental capability of whether imprinters know enough science to visualize changes in pH, Dr. Tiller said," the unseen intelligence of the universe is an even more important factor." Later he added," in my view it is the spark of Spirit in the cells that give rise to the life force."
Another scientist, Dr. Glen Rein, points out, that physicists know about the existence of energy fields with properties, which are not explained by classical equations. He refers to the non-classical fields as quantum fields. Rein's work again shows that this non-electromagnetic energy-information from the primordial vacuum of space- can be stored in water and can later communicate with living cells.

Water is a polar molecule which means that one side of the molecule is more positively charged while the other side is more negatively charged. The result of this charge differential is an attraction between molecules making water a much more complex substance than mainstream science (Quantum Physics, etc.) has ever given it credit for! It is this attractive force between water molecules which causes water to form droplets rather than a molecular mist. These attractive forces also result in clusters of water molecules in nature which are very sensitive to environmental conditions. In nature, if we observe water closely we see (as it does flowing down a drain) it move in circular paths in order to maintain a high energy or frequency state. Molecular spin is an important factor when considering the polar attraction between water molecules; it makes common sense that faster molecular spin will decrease this molecular attraction and consistent or resonant molecular spin may have an ordering or structuring/information effect.

The fact is that we still know very little about the inner workings of water. Water is a mystery, a mystery that appears to receive, store, process and transmit information. This is just the beginning of a new understanding about the substance that gives life to all.

Patrick Wey

The highest good is like water.
Water gives life to the ten thousand things and does not strive.
It flows in places men reject and so is like the Tao.
In dwelling, be close to the land.
In meditation, go deep in the heart.
In dealing with others, be gentle and kind.
In speech, be true.
In ruling, be just.
In business, be competent.
In action, watch the timing.
No fight : No blame.
Lao Tsu

Living Energies by Callum Coats (Victor Schauberger's brilliant work)
Dan Stewart and Denise Routledge, Canada
Dan Winter
Future 'water' articles will be generated from the waternature.com site. Anyone interested in my sources or other information, please contact....water@waternature.com






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